I do mean more than just Wednesday. I am over the birthday hump, and entered into a new age demographic...35! I now have to move down one more box when choosing my age bracket on surveys. I can no longer get away with fooling myself into thinking I am early thirties. (No matter what Wii Fit says!)
It was a great day. Being back in CA for my birthday is a great way to get perspective on the years I have spent on this planet. My friend Dave who I happen to be staying with (and his daughter and wife) has the same B'day as me. As did the five other tables at Texas Roadhouse last night for an early dinner. It was an astrological loins den in there... go figure we'd all want meat.

The one thing I learned, there are way too many options at that restaurant for what do to with a sweet potato. I was thinking, it's a veggie without being too green and fibrous, I'll try that. And I will be bad and use some of that cinnamon butter on it, that sounds good. They not only had my ticket on the butter as an offer of a side for this thing, but also offered brown sugar, caramel sauce, marshmallow sauce... by the time he got there I just said, "Can you throw a Twinkies on that too?"
Feeling pretty bad this morning about the amount of delicious but guilty calories I inhaled last night, I decided to go jogging this morning. I still have chest cold however, and I haven't run in a while, plus it might be hot... really with the amount of excuses I was coming up with before even putting on my shoes, it was amazing I even made it out the door. A short run, my personal best was about a 1.25 miles of running the whole way which honestly amazed me. I was envisioning just running round the block a few times, twice if I was feeling lucky. All told, I think I ended up running to Cuba.
The path I took, was a very long road until I hit any road that looked interesting to turn on. I felt good however...35 was the speed limit and my new age, felt like it was meant to be! I could have turned left onto other paved streets with beautiful houses to look at, feeling a wonderful little breeze for the short blocks. Naah, I decided to turn right onto an older road with no sidewalk and run in the sand though the orchards. Turns out those inlets I thought were roads were driveways to combines, and the nearest road was much further down hot road because the breeze was blocked by all the trees. Yet, I still ran. Turning the corner, now had to take it to a partial run, partial walk. At this point I realized the smell of cow pie really does add a little something to a run, as well as I didn't know I could sweat from my forearms. Turns out the orchards I was running though were almond orchards, and I am allergic. My forearms weren't sweatting so much as breaking out in hives. As I turned the last corner walking now past the country club and humiliated because now I was on the busy road where every passing car could seem me walking in shame instead of jogging with pride as I was on the desolate roads, I wonder exactly why I decided I needed to run in the first place.
I got back, this was the thought that prevailed as I undressed for a shower, and fat on my body was no less and still exactly comfortable where it made it's home not one hour before. I'm pretty sure this is why I never ran before unless I was being chased. And even then, I'd probably have a better chance of just getting caught and taking ya down by hand.
With this, we packed up for the Gouda Factory for grilled cheese sandwiches and brownies for lunch.
It was a great day. Being back in CA for my birthday is a great way to get perspective on the years I have spent on this planet. My friend Dave who I happen to be staying with (and his daughter and wife) has the same B'day as me. As did the five other tables at Texas Roadhouse last night for an early dinner. It was an astrological loins den in there... go figure we'd all want meat.
The one thing I learned, there are way too many options at that restaurant for what do to with a sweet potato. I was thinking, it's a veggie without being too green and fibrous, I'll try that. And I will be bad and use some of that cinnamon butter on it, that sounds good. They not only had my ticket on the butter as an offer of a side for this thing, but also offered brown sugar, caramel sauce, marshmallow sauce... by the time he got there I just said, "Can you throw a Twinkies on that too?"
Feeling pretty bad this morning about the amount of delicious but guilty calories I inhaled last night, I decided to go jogging this morning. I still have chest cold however, and I haven't run in a while, plus it might be hot... really with the amount of excuses I was coming up with before even putting on my shoes, it was amazing I even made it out the door. A short run, my personal best was about a 1.25 miles of running the whole way which honestly amazed me. I was envisioning just running round the block a few times, twice if I was feeling lucky. All told, I think I ended up running to Cuba.
The path I took, was a very long road until I hit any road that looked interesting to turn on. I felt good however...35 was the speed limit and my new age, felt like it was meant to be! I could have turned left onto other paved streets with beautiful houses to look at, feeling a wonderful little breeze for the short blocks. Naah, I decided to turn right onto an older road with no sidewalk and run in the sand though the orchards. Turns out those inlets I thought were roads were driveways to combines, and the nearest road was much further down hot road because the breeze was blocked by all the trees. Yet, I still ran. Turning the corner, now had to take it to a partial run, partial walk. At this point I realized the smell of cow pie really does add a little something to a run, as well as I didn't know I could sweat from my forearms. Turns out the orchards I was running though were almond orchards, and I am allergic. My forearms weren't sweatting so much as breaking out in hives. As I turned the last corner walking now past the country club and humiliated because now I was on the busy road where every passing car could seem me walking in shame instead of jogging with pride as I was on the desolate roads, I wonder exactly why I decided I needed to run in the first place.
I got back, this was the thought that prevailed as I undressed for a shower, and fat on my body was no less and still exactly comfortable where it made it's home not one hour before. I'm pretty sure this is why I never ran before unless I was being chased. And even then, I'd probably have a better chance of just getting caught and taking ya down by hand.
With this, we packed up for the Gouda Factory for grilled cheese sandwiches and brownies for lunch.
happy birthday, heidi!
ReplyDeletehappy birthday, dave! (sadly, i was wondering who david was. does he usually go by david?!)