They are annoying the way you see a cop in your rear view mirror and you are not sure what the speed limit is in the area you are currently driving.
Our here on the East Coast, the domineering bad cowboy music starts playing and suddenly, you see this seagull.
By himself, he looks harmless enough. But then he makes an annoying call, and his buddies join in by the dozens while the theme song from The Birds starts to play. I laughed at my friend Rebecca when she came to visit and got attacked my these guys at the water park. Hey.. they had signs that said they wouldn't replace any food the seagulls got...so we knew they were aggressive there. Sweet vindication for her today.
I just wasn't expecting to cause my child another great phobia simply by trying to have lunch in the park. The black villains did their thing, and grabbed a slice of turkey right out of the lunchable tray on our table right in front of our faces. Clearly a bad choice. So I put the tray in the cooler and gave Aiden a peanut butter and jelly quarter sandwich...you know the kind, grape elly sliced into triangles. The little buggard swooped down while his friends were distracting us and not only grabbed the sandwich right out of his hand, but just about took his finger with him. Armed with a mustard packet someone else had left behind I tried to chuck it at another bird as I had Aiden on my lap trying to comfort and protect him from the onslaught. Cody oddly enough was bizarrely unaffected and thought it kinda humorous, but dared not laugh. As the mustard packet flew through the air, the bird mearly stepped over it as gracefully as a giselle and let is slide off the end of the table. I'm sure we would have heard the sounds of him saying, "Ha, is that all you got?" Instead, his laughs were drown out by my yells of... "Come on boys..RUN!" Clearly we were sitting at THEIR picnic table.
This really was just the final trauma of the day. We went blueberry picking only to find out that bees really like the colors on our buckets. We picked about six berries and ate about six berries, but the boys had enough of the bees and it was time to go home.
Then as I was talking to the adorable owners of the farm, I stepped in something seriously stinky smelling and didn't realize it was on my shoe until I got into the car. Time to clean out that car I tell ya. It was bad enough to make me tear up a bit. Right on par with how bad Brie was smelling when I shaved her last Saturday morning.
My philosophy is, we wouldn't know what the really good or great things are that happen to us, if we didn't have bad things to compare them too. So I don't mind these lifes small adversities and I think they are actually good lessons for the boys. Seriously however, come on! Bee's, Seagulls and acid Poop all before 11:30am... I'm ready to go back to bed.
P.S. I did go back to bed, we all took a three hour nap. Feel free to call, I will be up until 2am with the kids.
p.s.s. Yes, that giselle comment was for you, Dave.
Aha! Now you seriously believe me when I say that my attempts to disloge the seagulls from my person were futile, and I really did need to be saved by a group, yes a group, of strangers. Ha ha ha. So funny. Rebecca almost got eaten by seagulls. ;-) I hope Aiden isn't physically or emotionally scarred by the experience. As a fellow seagull assult survivor (SAS), I know how the experience can color any future outdoor eating. --Rebecca