It's hard being a parent. Just get a couple of us in a room, and you can't shut a parent up about the hysterical mess little Tommy made, or the embarassing time Mary brought out the maxi pads and set the dinner table with them. We have all seen the mortified mother in the grocery store with the screaming tantrum foul mouthed hysterical toddler, and given one of two reactions.. sympathy or dismissal because if she was a proper mother that wouldn't happen!
I was talking to a friend of mine a couple days ago, he's also a father of two. We got on the morbid subject of wills and trusts, setting things up for our kids if we kick the bucket. I was telling him my complex grid like equation to figure out in the event of my passing how to calabrate my childrens funds and future. I told him my kids will have to take a drug test before they see a cent of any trust fund. He laughed, but I was serious! He gave me a huge compliment, saying the amount of attention I pay to my kids is going to be the reason he's bet pretty heavily my kids wouldn't go down that road. And this is what sent me on tonights props for Brittney Spears. Stick with me here...
If we were all perfect parents, we'd all turn out to be pretty much the same people. But the world takes all kinds of people to keep in functioning and interesting. But there is more...
I am convienced that when you give birth to a child, you break a little bit. The hormones that are released in your body after it tries to go back to a non-pregnant saggy bag of water...will forever change the dynamic in which the reasoning portion of your brain functions. This is why Mother In Laws get that stereotype of domineering, hard to deal with control freaks. It's because during this time, the hormones went up into the brain and messed with they synapses and made you start thinking, you have the knowledge of things you don't even know about but if it sounds reasonable in a circular argument, then it must be right! Did I loose you? If I did, you must not have had a child yet. Just wait, you will get it.
Now there are a few of us, that figured out this sometimes happens and we try to combat these thoughts by reading books, joining groups, reading internet articles and consulting with like-minded parents in order to "Check Ourselves." This is another defense mechanism that we learned, that was actually installed prior to having kids and right about the time we might have started to realize... Maybe I don't know it all.
But what happens to these young parents, or stunted emotional developed adults who have not yet had the "Huh" device installed yet, but have kids. Well my friends, it's a sad story. These are the parents, to whom we in the mainstream parent bowl, look down our noses at and feel sorry for their children. These are the 15 year old new mothers with their boyfriends name tattooed across their neck. These are the parents who think it's charming to let their toddlers pass the roach clip, or let the kids feed the dog the last swigs from almost empty beer bottles. Yes my friends, these are the Brittany Spears of our nation!
Stick with me here... So while pompus I want to get back to where I know it all mothers like myself sit in judgement of our Nicole Ritchie's of the world, with our books and self doubt about parenting styles... We can take a clue from these carefree livin' life how it's dealt, ignoring reality and the needs of basics like clean clothes, balanced meals or stability. The reason why my friends.... there are no guarentees! We just don't know who is going influence our precious care packages in this world. We are all only doing what we can with the tools, and broken brains we have given to us. So go ahead, roll those eyes and let your heart bleed for the unfortunate children who have it less than... but just remember to send your MIL a nice note while you are at it!

I however, choose to take a moment to honor and cherish those mothers, who can make me feel better about my decisions as a parents. Thank you to those who are brave enough to set the bar lower so I can feel I have achieved! Thank goodness for the teen moms that don't even have the wisdom to know they don't have any wisdom and couldn't even fathom self doubt. Kudos to the emotionally stunted and hurrah for the morally depraved, for you are the gems helping to give our world diversity and the need for socialism. Hats off!
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