I'm sure it's confusing. All the sudden, we are making trips to
Big Lots and buying gifts in bulk. Each weekend is a wonderful back yard adventure filled with brightly colored wrapping paper, ribbons and party hats. My four year old decided this morning however, we needed some order about the entire process.
He enlisted his army of myself and his little brother. Apparently I was his sergent, my qualifications being greater definded motor skills and I can reach the scissors.
He marched the troops downstairs to the pile of bags that held the seven items to be wrapped, plus bags, two rolls of wrapping paper and after a bit of looking, the tissue paper.
While the process beyond why I was calling the brightly colored paper, toilet paper,(as he kept running to the bathroom and saying "Tissue is right here!"), it proved to be rather uninteresting to my youngest. He instead insisted to sit on my lap and took pictures of my placemats his own fingers.
Aiden however, was captivated by getting the task at hand completed and done! He saluted me with each direction and was ready with tape and all the opinions he could
Ah, tis the season. Hubby, yougest son and myself all have B'days coming up as well. While we all share little interest in this fact, my four year old has taken it upon himself to let everyone we know, anywhere we go that it is indeed someone's birthday. He even conveinced a waitress in a resturant the other day that it was my B'day by him and Cody constantly singing over and over and over. She brought me a piece of cake and said, "It's gotta be true, if not, it's true to them!"
A-Dor-able! Very creative!