Watch out world, I'm on a rant. Don't take my silence as being shy or even tired. I'm simply stewing in self criticism. I should read more, exercise more, eat less, make more friends, sit up straight, speak nicer, be a better cook, learn to sew, wear make-up, cook healthier, be more creative, be more prepared, be more generous, be more frugile, finish something in the garden, clean out the car, stop eating cookies, cake and ice cream for my main meals and continue my education. So when I say with all seriousness "watch out world" it's a true warning because if God has any of this going on within on his/her Sundays, no wonder there are people waiting for Armageddon.
My advise for the world: Keep doing things that are cute. Seriously, it's our only hope as a planet... as a universe! That's how my kids stay alive and I think we should take a cue from them.
Speaking of cute, funny think happened this week! Cody discovered... showers. Now anytime I get it, he strips down and jumps in with me. I can only imagine the conversation we will be having in the next few months as he eye balls me up and down; beyond that I hate to think of what he will be saying to his therapist in a few years. Right now however, he's more interested in rinsing his tushie, with great delight.
The problem with this is, this used to be my brain runith over time. The time when random thought could surface in my head and get washed down the drain. Most of the time, I just have random words... words that I don't use in typical conversation but for some reason just pop into my head. Words like incredulous an pithy. Words that if I used in a normal conversation I would know exactly what they mean... but to pull them up by themselves after having 98% of my conversations in a day with a 3 and 4 year old, I have no clue and run to the internet to search it meaning and also check if it's a peek into my subconscious. (Lucky ducky for you, for all those who are reading this going... "duuh incredulous means skeptical and pithy means forceful and brief". Congratustinkinlations!) The bizzar side effect of this however, is when I hear a word that might be something on the SAT's, I get all excited and stop the conversation. "OOH! What does guile mean!"
So to all you brainiacs out there, I have birthday coming up. I'm thinking a great book recommendation with lots of funky words but won't bore me, or a dictionary and thesaurus would be great. Save me from smelling up the room with brain farts.
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