My parents and now my husband always tell me, "you don't do anything half way!" Funny how people see half way, I feel like my life is a constant stream of half way. I planted the seeds for the veggie garden, but have yet to actually transfer them to the flower bed. I cleaned the kitchen counters, but not the floors. We've gotten one of our two dogs to learn to stay at home and not escape the yard and wander around the neighborhood (little tramp) And with my youngest son, we are half way to being potty trained.
Now, I am on a new half mission, to figure out...what exactly do I want to be as my boys grow up. For months now, trying to pick a profession that won't put us in the poor house with student loans but will bring me a sense of pride when the boys say, "My mommy is a....fill in the blank." Seriously, fill in the blank.. someone, anyone!
Not only am I a stay at home mom...a trader to my sociology degree as all sociologists believe that profession is under appreciated and detrimental to a woman and perpetuation of the glass ceiling for women on a global level...I am a military wife. This means, not only do I have the holes in my resume from the hiatus to adore my children while eating bon-bons and watching daytime television (yeah right!) but I have holes created by the constant moving with my husband to his next billet.
So as I go through the demoralizing process of trying to update my resume and wanting to make fondue with this paper Swiss cheese, I am reminded of the irony of how many half ways this appears to be on paper and how ironic that people think I do nothing half way at all.
I do envy my son, who has known since birth he wants to be a veterinarian. With his first word being "Dog" over the usual words such as "Mamma" or "Daddy", or even "Hi". I do wonder however since my second son's first words were "Waffle" and "Syrup" what he will fancy himself, or perhaps he will simply marry Ms. Butterworth or Aunt Jermima. 
Anyone know if they are single?
me too!
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