Monday, August 31, 2009

Brag Post

I would be a horrible mother and get kicked down to the rank of "Brittneyesk Momma" if I didn't join everyone else in posting pictures of my childrens first days at school. I am going to up it one more however, and post the orientation! There were parents there saying, "See, I told you we should have brought our camera!" Yeah, I out parented you and you have to just sit there and take it. Ha.

Aiden running in front of his school.

Aiden trying to pose for a picture with the sun in his face.

Getting used to the classroom, which was really nice. Big with lots of unusual toys like puppets and typewriters.

Then we went on a bus ride around the neighborhood. Turned out one of the women I was friendly with, lives around the corner and Aiden will be at the same bus stop with her daughter. Very exciting, he was thrilled to already have a friend!

Aiden knew just what to do, he sat down and buckled up "Just like on the airplane!" I do worry that when the time comes for him to cruise off by himself that he will panic. The pictures here are the few moments where he wasn't glued to my leg.

While I took Aiden to orientation, Cody got to spend a little time with Daddy at work.

Cody's orientation is in a couple weeks. We already know two kids in his class however. My boys are getting so big!

And here is the hamster update, she's adjusting well. The kids are bound and determined to not let her be an nocturnal animal however, as they keep her awake and want to take her with them everywhere we go.

I myself have been being really good about eating and going to the gym, but hold fast at my current overweight. I just want Wii to tell me I am srong Overweight, rather than "That's Obese." Just like me, always looking for my Wii's approval. I will keep going on my quest to loose my bedonk-a-donk. It's just so hard starting back, but the food I ate, I have to say was so worth it. Sorry Richard Simmons, but it's true.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Hamster Chronicles

Ever since the movie "Bolt" came out, Aiden has been interested in hamsters. Then at Aunt Rebecca's house he gets to go nuts over the bunny. Now the movie G-Force has arrived and we have yet to actually watch the whole movie, but just the idea and marketing around has got him Gerbil crazy. This combined with a few trips to the pet store, and he has successfully broken us down and conned us into getting him... a hamster.

Cody was mildly enthused by the idea of a pet hamster, but we know who the real motivator in the house was... Bug. Last week, I told him if he remembered by this week he wanted a hamster we could discuss. I only lasted four days until I decided we could go get one. He kept asking if it was next week yet.

Below is the photo chronicles of the events of picking out and bring home a new hamster.

Meeting the "Long Hair White Girl Hamster"

Cody meeting her...

Got her in the cage! We had gone to Wal-mart and got the cage and supplies with birthday gift cards from Grandma and Grandpa. Thanks!

Leaving the store. Aiden walking slow as to not swing her.

Aiden completely loving her up in the car. He didn't want to name her until we got home. But he did come to this conclusion: "Maybe that's the problem! She's so quiet because she doesn't have a name for us to call her."

Cody, thrilled to have a white ball!

Carrying her up the stairs away from the dogs.
And our newest family addition... Bella! She got named by Aiden as we were putting her cage together. She sleeps in his room and lives in a cage on top of his dresser. She is currently the most spoiled rotten hamster in the world... but what she wouldn't do for a nap.

When I told Aiden, she's most likely really just like to take a nap. He said, "Ok, lets close the door and give her some privacy." He's wanting to take her out and take her with him every where. This will be an interesting learning process... for us all.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Beautiful Flower

Did everyone enjoy the humidity today like I did? I know most people take three or four showers to try to beat the heat, but I just layed around and stayed stinky. I can't be loosing the shower war if I never participate in the race.

Plus I got to chase the kids with scary armpit itchies.

Speaking of scary, our garden. Before we bought the house, the previous owners were massive gardeners. There are plants I don't recognize and bulbs everywhere. I never know if something is a weed or something that's supposed to be there. So I have stopped just ripping out everything and waiting to see what blooms.

Today with all the rain, something bloomed in the garden. In between thunder storms and torrential downpours, I was able to snap a couple pictures. It was an orange flower, no shocker because the previous owners seemed to have a thing for orange flowers.

Now those picture are a bit blurry, but you can see it's beautiful colors. Let me show you a picture of it, with a little sharpness.

Yes my friends.. the beautiful blossoms are made entirely out of insects. And that's New Jersey!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Typical Summer Day

We are pretty house bound, waiting for Cody to be potty trained and all. Why is it now that he's doing this, when he does poop in his pants, the face is so much more dramatic. Like he's telling on me.. Hey Mom.. you're not paying attention and I am making a poop face for all the world to see.

He's been scrumptious little stinker today.

Aiden is really liking going to the gym. There are lots of BABIES, which he is always asking for a baby sister. He now wants a hamster. I told him if he can remember next week that he wants a hamster then we could discuss it.

I am glad I joined the gym today, and was completely blown away by the instructor today, who cursed like a sailor. It actually worked however, because she was saying all the things that go through my head. So frustrating trying to get back in shape again, especially considering I was still wanting a different shape when I had a better one than this one now. I know that sentence was confusing, but I also know.. most women know what I am saying.

Looks like these will be our typical days for the rest of the summer. The boys have about two and three more weeks until school starts. Yeah, Jersey didn't do that thing where they move everyone forward because they wanted to get a jump on the summer vacations. Weather still sucks here in June so they are content to wait. Once the mosquitoes are at full swarm, it's time for vacation. Thus, it doesn't start again until Labor Day. Cody's starts a week later which is nice. Gets us a chance to get focus on one, and not have to deal with two at the same time.

Wow, that's all I have to say, but I am missing a witty line to end on. So... I will end on Aiden's favorite joke right now.

"Why did the Banana go to the doctor? Because he wasn't peeling well. Haha, get it? Now that's funny right there."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

For all our bored people

I barely ever watch the news. Now I know why. Besides being annoyed that the show was only giving us information that made interesting sound bites and warned us that the CDC estimates up to 50% of all Americans will contract the swine flu this year in a sentence that was shorter than this one... it reminded me how when people are bored, their stupid starts to show.

Two headline news reports proves Darwin's Theory isn't working as these people are inflicted with some serious stupid.
I haven't been into football really since my first child was born, but I did recently learn of a little drama involving Brett Farve, the handsome cameo star of "There's something about Mary," and pretty well known quarterback, retired, no wait... quarterback... yeah... no.. wait.. what was the question?

As much as his life decisions make absolutely no impact on anything, people are taking this really very seriously. So much, a woman felt the need to take a goat, shave a #4 on it it, paint it purple and yellow (Viking colors for those who didn't catch that) and stuff it in her trunk. When the police found the goat in her trunk, they asked what she was intending to do with it, she said "Kill it." I don't know who is more stupid, this woman... or the prosecutors who are still debating if animal cruelty charges are going to be pressed.

The second story that caught my attention, was the three men who broke into a local zoo, to feed a gorilla pop tarts. This ranks right up there with the two guys who broke into the SF Zoo a few years ago and brought their girlfriends penguins. This one ranks above that however, because one of the guys who needed to give the gorilla sugar high, was a police officer. Seriously, way too many donuts.
That gorilla's got game!
But you know what, this turned out to be a feel good day for the news. Just when I start to loose all faith in humanity I realize, I am not feeling all that bad anymore about not working out or being dumb enough to rip off my own toenail while trying to take off my sandal. I'm still above the curve!

So give me another scoop of ice cream, and let the news roll on. Let's see what's happening to Gotham City tonight.

So when life turns into a comic strip... send in the super heroes!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Meaningless Consumer Driven Lives

If you can name the movie that quote is from, I will send you a banana!

I just wanted to say, how ridiculous I think it is that resturants and grocery stores are installing these expensive flat screen televisions for the soul purpose of selling me more crap. So now, standing in line to get my groceries, they make me watch ads! I go to the movies, I not only have to watch 20 minutes of trailers, but they tossed in TV ads and took away my entertaining movie facts and trivia.

I'm all for creative advertising. Go ahead and pay someone to drive his car in commute traffic with your signs plastered all over the place. But can you at least make them helpful or funny? What happened to the creating actual ads that you could remember because they were artistic or spoke on a personal level. I want that car ad to say, "I just say you pick your nose. Skype!" In the Wendy's with the broken doors but brand new TV, at least be honest. "Hey you, eating that mega combo... weight watchers in this area is by the mall. You can still eat here, it's just a kids meal with oranges." I want creativity back in advertising rather than just sheer mass bombardment.

That's all I am saying...

BTW.. I will let you know when my Cheerios Box comes out. Lol

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shop Rite Cereal Box

Calling all over the toppers!

I want to see if I can get on the back of my kids favorite cereal box. You all know how passionate my kids are about Honey Nut Cheerios! I believe I have mentioned my eldest sons obcession with it in a previous post. They are doing this great thing now, but I am on a time crunch. By the end of the day, I need thirty comments back to this post and I get to be part of the cardboard princesses of yummy mummies on the box for New Jersey!

This is what is going on:
ShopRite has created “Blog It Forward To Fight Hunger” to engage others in the fight against hunger through blogging.
General Mills and ShopRite will donate one box of cereal to a food bank in ShopRite’s trading area for the first 30 people who comment on your post.* (*Total Bloggers In Caring donation not to exceed 3,000 boxes)

So tell me how much fun it would be to see my mug on the back of a cereal box! Sign in here and make a comment, and lets hand out some boxes of cereal in New Jersey!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Viewer Descretion Advised

Special treat for you tonight, as we can laugh at my misery together!

On our wonderful vacation here in Cali, we took the kids to the river for some water play fun, and to see if we could loose a whiney one in the current. (oops, did I say that out loud?) While taking off my sandals, I used my big toe to pull the sandal off the other foot. First sandal came off fine. Second one however, slipped and caught my toenail, and ripped it all the way back.

We looked at it, it was numb at first. I thought, oh, maybe I didn't bend it back. Then it started oozing out blood like the green blob coming out from under the door, from all the sides. I went in the river, and thought I was going to have to chase my nail down the current. It was painful and gross.

Now my ankle is staring to get soar, for over compensating for the buggard toe. For three days I just put a bandaid over it and prayed it would reattach. Rebecca, looked up toenail injuries on the net however, and we decided the nail needed to come off. She assured me it wasn't reattaching, and was only going to grow mushrooms.

The part you don't see, is me, cutting of the remaining loose nail, trying to clean out what was left, and the SMELL which is horrid. (Does anyone know what Gangreen smells like?) We didn't tape this because I wasn't sure that I wasn't going to puke.

This is not for the squirmish. But for all you sicko's, here's the video and still pictures of before and after.
Follow the link to the actual video:

Gotta wait 18 months for this sucker to grow back.

I promise my next post to be less stomach churning.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Miss me?

I know you are all just waiting on the edge of your computer chairs, wondering... where is Heidi's next blog?

Well, it's hard blog from my phone.

We did a long trip up to Red Bluff to go fishing with Grandpa Kim. Pictures to come. Cody's B'day is tomorrow and we have many festivities to attend.

But don't worry my little Top Heads, I will have lots of pictures, thoughts and stories for you soon!

Stick with me!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I went to a barbecue at 10am this morning.

It was with old friends from high school, and I couldn't have been more thrilled to see them. I was particularly impressed to see that one of the guys came up sans wife, just to see us from LA. On a trip that most people won't come across the Altamont pass to come see us, (over a big hill for my east cost friends!) he parted from his wife he adores (which was so obvious and lovely to see) to come up and say hi.

And what daring tales, stories of success and funny antic dotes did I have to offer him for his journey? Nada...

My kids were fighting with the other kids, yelling not sharing. There was a full fledged tantrum at one point and we had to take a time out in the court, where everyone walking their dog was giving me strange sneers. My jokes went over like lead balloons and came off as sarcastic and at times just insulting. I used to be funny.

So, in an effort to feel less like a boring fuddy duddy typical stay at home and eat bon bon's Mom... I am going to go WAY out on a limb here and post things about me that prove... I am an interesting person!

Top Ten Reasons Heidi is an Interesting Person:

10. I peed in a gutter in traffic in downtown San Francisco.

9. I write for an online RPG Star Trek storytelling board. (RPG=Roll Playing Game)

8. I can pick things up with my toes.

7. I had to bail my father out of jail to come to my wedding. (We danced to Jailhouse Rock for our father daughter dance.)

6. I rode topless horseback in Mexico. (More like sat on the horse, riding would have been a whole lotta bouncing... you get the jist)

5. It took me 10 years to get my 4 year degree.

4. Sadly, I lost my mother and step-father to suicide, but have come out with lessons learned. (I said interesting, not all happy go lucky.)

3. I look really good in teal, but my favorite color is yellow.

2. When I am stressed, I bake cookies. Done this since I was 7 years old.

1. I can't get though an entire step class without having to pee. Sometimes, I just wear a pad to soak it up.

Apparently I am not all that embarrassed to share some revolting details about my life.

Guess that's what makes me...Over the Top!