I would be a horrible mother and get kicked down to the rank of "Brittneyesk Momma" if I didn't join everyone else in posting pictures of my childrens first days at school. I am going to up it one more however, and post the orientation! There were parents there saying, "See, I told you we should have brought our camera!" Yeah, I out parented you and you have to just sit there and take it. Ha.
While I took Aiden to orientation, Cody got to spend a little time with Daddy at work.
And here is the hamster update, she's adjusting well. The kids are bound and determined to not let her be an nocturnal animal however, as they keep her awake and want to take her with them everywhere we go.
I myself have been being really good about eating and going to the gym, but hold fast at my current overweight. I just want Wii to tell me I am srong Overweight, rather than "That's Obese." Just like me, always looking for my Wii's approval. I will keep going on my quest to loose my bedonk-a-donk. It's just so hard starting back, but the food I ate, I have to say was so worth it. Sorry Richard Simmons, but it's true.
Your boys are SO cute! Love those cheeks on them!