Let’s face it, Valentine’s Day is one of these double edged swords that can slice men and women alike if we don’t play by the rules set forth to sell us under quality over priced sweets, cards and flowers. If your husband is anything like mine, the mere mention of the day sends his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Yes, it’s a chick holiday and this is something that every well trained husband in American has come to accept if he wants to make the transition from February 14th to February 15th a smooth transition.
The harsh reality however is that men should embrace the holiday. Come on, the bar is set pretty low. You can grab a bundle of “One day until they wilt” flowers in the $2.99 bin at Wawa, scribble out a note on the back of a shopping list and you have fulfilled your duty. It’s even lower maintenance than a birthday or anniversary because the reminders are everywhere. And guess what, if your man fails to perform on Valentine’s Day with these small tokens of ceremony, it’s also hard to forget. The tale will be taken to task for weeks to come most likely in front of a marriage counselor.

So here is the question we ask ourselves as we stare at our sink of dirty dishes and toss ravioli can’s into the trash because we didn’t actually plan anything for that big dinner in hopes that there really was just no way he was ignoring the entire day… Is it selfish to set Valentine’s Day expectations? Is it right to assume that because he doesn’t care about the day, that he doesn’t care about me? And how do we calm our seething soul when everywhere we look we see all the celebrations of love and have to fain smiles for the really nice tokens and “bling” our friends splatter all over their facebook page?
My decision, move over satiated love life… momma’s gonna rant for a while. It’s actually harder to ignore the day than it is to just cow tow to the sentiment and break out a couple bucks for a balloon and card at the dollar store. There you are my king of overrated holidays who sits on the couch playing xbox while I cook your dinner, you chose your path and must reap my scorn. And we all know what they say about a woman scorn, but we also know what they say about making your own bed.

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