It’s an explosive topic, so please take care and be sensitive in your responses. It’s embarrassing, and kind of disgusting, none the less something I have to live with. It’s this zit on my face.

It’s in the same place every month, right at the corner of my mouth. I find myself at night curled up and jamming my hand right into that same spot. The spot where the phone touches, the spot where that big laugh line is starting to form. And just in case no one catches onto the hormonal imbalances of my moods, there is a big gleaming red light with a white top, like an inside out target sigh, highlighting the way to my disgrace.
As with most things in life, there are certain things you know you shouldn’t do. Don’t do drugs, don’t smoke, don’t over eat… and don’t pick your zits. However, it’s almost like human instinct that the more we aren’t supposed to do something, we do it. Lance that sucker open and squeeze until it bleeds clear, only to leave an even bigger red angry pock mark, which fails to turn the frown upside down.
I can hear you snickering now. It’s a serious situation! It really does prevent me from leaving the house or having any type of inkling of self confidence. One zit takes me right back to some bad episode of “Saved by the Bell” staring me as the female Screech.

Therefore, I thought it only fitting that I bring awareness to this very important issue, and possibly start a non-profit organization to help others who are inflicted with the same debilitating problem.
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