Why is it that poop is the funniest word in the English language? At least it is when you are four and six. Never fails, any song or rhyme can always have the word poop on in a pinch, pee worked into it in a methodical manner to the delight of my kids and annoyance of me. I really think most song writers are missing out on a key market here. Sure, poop goes in the potty was a great one hit wonder… but using poop just for explicit delights much like most artists drop the “F” bombs and call people Bitches and Ho’s is truly underrated for the musical talents geared to the single digit age group demographics. And to be honest, I have a feeling my husband would also delight in these melodic songs on the same subject. Apparently my humor type has run a little too constipated on this topic. Guess I best just relax.
Perhaps I should take an instruction from South Park, as much as I detest the show... they were able to make one very famous poop a prominent figure for about as long as it took to flush him.